Tiffany stained glass lamp repair

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Can a Tiffany lamp be repaired?

 Professional Tiffany lamp shade repairs and Tiffany style lamp repairs

Stained glass lamp repair

Can a Tiffany lamp be repaired?  Tiffany lamp repair and stained glass shade repairs are completed using my skills and resources since 1978.   Wrapping glass with copper foil was not developed by Tiffany.  The copper foil work technique was first used in Europe in the 1890’s.  Basically Tiffany on a visit brought back the construction idea and created his own line of lighting incorporating the technique.  The quality of his work and designs were not for the average home or person.  While involved in many lines of products for the wealthy many people today look at the copper foil style and suggest all stained glass lamps are Tiffany lamps.

     Just about all of my work bench lamp projects are for genuine antique lamps.  Most antique lamps manufactured in the USA between Tiffany stained glass lamp repair1890-1940.   Lamp shades using the copper foil technique for companies like but not limited to, Tiffany Studio Lamp, Baily and Sons, Bigelow & Kennard Lamp, Wilkinson Lamp, Mosaic Shade Company of Chicago Lamp, Duffner and Kimberly Lamp, Handel Lamp, Lamb Brothers Lamp, Morgan Lamp, Suess Ornamental Glass Lamp, Unique Art Glass Lamp, J A Whaley Lamp, Willimson Lamp and many others.

Teds - Tiffany lamp repair technique using copper foil

While not a Tiffany lamp.  Teds lamp does use the copper foil techique of construction.  It also uses and required my skills to bend new curved glass panels for his lamp.  The gallery shows my work bench restoration in process. 

  • Removing the U brass, and electrical shade rest area. 
  • Stripping the old copper foil from each panel. 
  • Buff all original metal free of layers of paint.
  • Prime and paint required parts.
  • Making a mold and bending 1 glass panel.
  • Refoiling the curved slag glass panels.
  • Assemble and solder glass panels.
  • Add new brass strapping to the exterior of the glass panels for extra support.
  • Patina black all brass parts.

Work bench during restoration.  Click on a picture to enlarge the step by step gallery.

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